In order to compile, use, and make the most out of Jacomma you need:
- A fairly recent (glibc-2.1.3 based) GNU/Linux distribution, with a 2.2.x+ kernel.
- A Java-2 Compliant Java Virtual Machine. The recommended VMs for GNU/Linux systems are IBM JDK1.3 and Blackdown JDK1.2.2FCS.
- The Jikes java compiler. You can compile using Javac, but you need to do on a package per package basis, since Javac can't do cross-package dependency checking.
- The ICM Communication Server. Important: The latest development version, 0.4.0pre4, uses a modified -- but not yet finalised or documented, protocol message encoding that is incompatible with the one currently used in Jacomma.
- JPython, the pure-Java implementation of the Python object-oriented scripting programming language.
- April, a concurrent object-oriented programming language which is well suited for developing agents. Jacomma agents are transparetly integrated with April agents, making an extremely powerful combination.
Downloading, Compiling, and Installing
Next steps:
- Get the sources for the latest Jacomma release from here. The current release is 0.9.1.
- Compile using the Makefile at src/jacomma.
- Either add the classes directory to your classpath or make a jar out of it, and place it to the jre/lib directory of you Java virtual machine home directory.